Getting closer….

With everyday My beloved S and I are both getting closer to our goal of being together. The thought of doing little (and big naughty things) fills my heart with absolute joy.

We both want it.

We both need it.

I am worried about several things. I know these are not irrational and there are ways we can move forward. However, this is blog and it is designed for whining/rants/etc. 😛

I am worried that finances will always be drained due to him paying to pay child support. (I agree with this, however, his former spouse is a lazy and manipulative parasite who baby trapped him to begin with.) I could write an entire blog on her and the type of emotionally abusive person she is.

I worry that this will damage or hurt his relationship with his son.

I am worried that he will grow even more depressed with his situation. Is it cheesy to say the closer we get the harder his situation is for him to cope with?

I am worried that we will struggle with immigration laws and employment because of the move.

I am worried I will hate Canada.

I am worried he will hate Australia.

I am worried it will take a long time for us to get set up.

I am worried about how my family will cope with it all.

I worry about whether I will struggle to be in a relationship with someone after being single for so long.

I worry his ex will be spiteful and will do anything she can to hurt him.


I know things will get better and things are moving forward.

Just need to be patient, resilient and make plans to get things to happen.

Growth for My beloved S


My beloved S has had issues with a group of people who who considered to be like family. I’ve told him bits and pieces of what I thought of them although largely kept quiet about them as well. The realisation that the person was a narcissist and was trying to control things they had no right to. It couldn’t have been easy to do.

My beloved S doesn’t make excuses or apologies for having boundaries when it comes to these people. It is awe inspiring to watch. A little while ago, he reached out to one of them to own up to his mistakes. Personally, I don’t feel he needed to apologise for what happened. Maybe how it all went down. Let’s call her the Queen. Needless to say, she did her usual gaslighting bullshit and then it stirred the place up again. She later received a message from the daughter of them saying the Matriarch barely recognised her when she was in a coma and that My beloved S “owes” her to make it up to the Queen.

I had two reactions when I heard this. I knew this was going to hurt My beloved S due to clear emotional manipulation (and really, it is abuse at this point.) And nearly rolling my eyes out of my fucking head.

See, this place would ALWAYS use near death/hospital to excuse their bullshit behaviour. Whether it was avoiding paying the bills, neglect, or trying to bring wayward members back under their control. Later, I was blamed as the reason that it all broke down.

There is a long drawn out story about this and I have started so many blog entries to write about these idiots. I’ve ran out of steam. I’m officially out of fucks to give about these idiots with massive egos and entitlement.


Anyway, case in point, the more My beloved S has given control to Me. The more he has gained control in other areas of his lives. I have commanded him that he is to be treated with courtesy and respect. If someone doesn’t give him that. Then they can go. Life is too short. He has told me that without My influence that he would have gone back to this group of people. My beloved slave has one of the kindest hearts of anyone I have ever met. It is truly beautiful to watch him get stronger and more self-assured.

The people at that place have blamed me for everything that went wrong with their bullshit. It is nice to be away from negativity. It is nice to not be blamed for things I didn’t do. It is nice not being their scapegoat. Although I likely still am. One day, I hope they will realise that their actions led to this. Our boundaries and self respect needs to be respected. Nor are we “filled with selfish desire” for having them either.

I warned her from the start not to try to control or manipulate us.

Sass aside, My beloved S has become so relaxed and doesn’t worry as much about the Realm or that place. The change in him has been incredible. Always he amazes Me with his courage and determination. It has taken him a long time to develop boundaries with people, and I am proud of him for maintaining them when it came to dealing with these people. He did not back down from them and nor did he allow them to draw him in.

I think they’re beginning to realise they have lost him.

And they only have themselves to blame.

sighs…. negative influences on friends

It is one of those days where I have seen too many of my loved ones interact and spend time with people who are toxic to them. I’ve seen it too many times and with too many friends. It’s almost like a script.

They start out in the angry stage. Then the abusive person will contact for something helpless, then become friends, then a little more, and then it is back to the usual cycle. All before it blows up in their face once more.

I like helping. Supporting them and doing anything I can to help them.

But why do I do this when people re-open doors to people they have said are toxic or abusive? I feel like I’m an enabler at this point. I feel like I’ve wasted my breath and my energy to help.

It’s not fair.

The only way to deal with an abusive person is to cut them out completely.

I’m tired of having my kindness and support taken for a ride.